Our laboratory counts with state of the art equipment that let us do the work in an accurate and precise way, obtaining test results in the fastest way possible using computerized equipment.

We prepare our own plates using an S 8000 automatic sterilizer and APS 300 plate pourer. We pre-incubate our plates for 24 hours so we are sure there is no contamination before the samples are dispensed onto the plates.

We dispense the samples with a WASP spiral plater; and after the required incubation time a Protocol counter is used. The Protocol produces a digital image of the plate and using integrated software counts the colonies from the image then automatically produces results on the screen after a few seconds. These results are integrated into our database system letting us generate reports in any way we need and in the fastest way possible while avoiding human error.
In the Microbiology area in order to help producers we have developed techniques for the detection of mastitis causing organism; Staphylococcus aureus, Streptoccocus, Mycoplasma, Pseudomonas, E.coli, Yeast.

In the chemistry area we analyze milk samples with an FT 120 analyzer, capable of analyzing 100 samples per hour with high accuracy and precision. The results from this equipment go directly into a spreadsheet with the sample identification and from there they are integrated into our database. This allows us to create reports with all of the information the customer may need.

I & A Lab has developed a rapid method to determine the shelf life of pasteurized milk. This analysis uses a set of specially prepared broths for detecting very low concentrations of microorganisms by analyzing 10 ml of sample per broth. With this procedure we can detect milk that only has 10-day shelf life within 24 hours. We can also predict how many days the milk will remain in good condition if stored at 45 F or 50 F.

This technique provides a report in 48 hours stating the quantity of Psychrophilic bacteria (can break down milk proteins to produce off flavors), as well as Pseudomonas, Coliforms and Mesophilic bacteria. This report promptly alerts dairy plants to potential problems.